Nuxt3 中文课程《实战全栈开发简书》限时优惠


Entitlements, metering, plan packaging, and subscription management for Nuxt apps.


Welcome to @planship/nuxt, a Nuxt module that enables entitlements, metering, plan packaging, and customer/subscription management in your Nuxt app powered by Planship. This module is based on the @planship/vue plugin and @planship/fetch library.

A complete, working example of a Nuxt app that uses this module can be found at

Getting started

Install @planship/nuxt with npm, yarn or pnpm:

npm install @planship/nuxt
# or
yarn add @planship/nuxt
# or
pnpm add @planship/nuxt

Then, add @planship/nuxt to the modules section of your nuxt.config.ts:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@planship/nuxt']

Finally, configure your Planship product slug and authentication credentials inside defineNuxtConfig or via environment variables.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // ...
  planship: {

Configuration options


Your Planship product slug. The slug can be also defined via the PLANSHIP_PRODUCT_SLUG environment variable.

clientId and clientSecret

Your Planship authentication credentials. They can be also defined via the PLANSHIP_API_CLIENT_ID and PLANSHIP_API_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables.



The @planship/nuxt module exports two composables implemented by the @planship/vue plugin: usePlanshipCustomer and usePlanship. The @planship/vue plugin is universal-mode friendly, meaning that these composables can be used for both server-side and client-side rendering.

Working with entitlements and other customer data - usePlanshipCustomer

In most rendering scenarios, your app will need to fetch and evaluate Planship entitlements for a specific customer. This can be accomplished with the Planship plugin and the usePlanshipCustomer function, which initializes a Planship API instance for a specific customer, continously fetches their entitlements, and exposes them in a reactive Vue ref object.

The example below shows how customer entitlements are retrieved, and a simple boolean feature called advanced-analytics is used to conditionally render a <NuxtLink> element inside a Vue component.

<script setup>
  import { usePlanshipCustomer } from '@planship/nuxt'

  const { entitlements } = await usePlanshipCustomer('<CURRENT_CUSTOMER_ID>')


When usePlanshipCustomer is used on the client-side, entitlements are automatically updated via a WebSocket connection every time they change.

When used in the universal rendering mode, the data is fetched in the following fashion:

  1. The plugin is initialized on the server and Planship entitlements and subscription data are fetched so they can be used for server-side rendering.
  2. The plugin is initialized on the client using the data already fetched on the server.
  3. The pluging re-hydrates itself on the client and initiates a websocket connection for continuous entitlements updates from Planship.

Composite return value for both sync and async operations

The usePlanshipCustomer function returns a composite result that is both a promise and a data object the promise resolves to. This means that the function can be called both as a synchronous function or an asynchronous one using await (or then/catch chain).

If you want to block code execution until customer entitlements are fetched from the Planship API, call the function with await:

const { entitlements } = await usePlanshipCustomer('<CURRENT_CUSTOMER_ID>')

If you want to return immediately and fetch entitlements asynchronously, simply call usePlanshipCustomer without await:

const { entitlements } = usePlanshipCustomer('<CURRENT_CUSTOMER_ID>')

Since entitlements is a reactive Vue Ref object, you can use it in your component and page templates and let Nuxt automatically rerender once the entitlements are fetched.

Fetching additional data from Planship

Your app may need to fetch additional customer data from Planship (E.g. customer subscription or usage data). To accomplish any Planship API operation use an instance of the Planship Customer API client returned by the usePlanshipCustomer function.

Below is an example Nuxt setup script that retrieves a list of subscriptions for the current customer using Nuxt's useAsyncData.

<script setup>
  import { usePlanshipCustomer } from '@planship/nuxt'

  const { planshipCustomerApiClient } = await usePlanshipCustomer('<CURRENT_CUSTOMER_ID>')

  const { data: subscriptions } = await useAsyncData('subscriptions', async () => {
    return await planshipCustomerApiClient.listSubscriptions()

Strongly typed entitlement object

When working with the entitlements dictionary returned by usePlanshipCustomer, it can be useful to wrap it in an object with getters for individual levers. This is especially advantageous in IDEs like VS Code where it enables autocomplete for entitlements.

To accomplish this, define an entitlements class for your product and pass it to usePlanshipCustomer.

<script setup>
  import { usePlanshipCustomer, EntitlementsBase } from '@planship/nuxt'

  class MyEntitlements extends EntitlementsBase {
    get apiCallsPerMonth(): number {
      return this.entitlementsDict?.['api-calls-per-month'].valueOf()

    get advancedAnalytics(): boolean {
      return this.entitlementsDict?.['advanced-analytics']

  // entitlements is of Ref<MyEntitlements> type
  const { entitlements } = await usePlanshipCustomer('<CURRENT_CUSTOMER_ID>', MyEntitlements)


Working with plans and other product data - usePlanship

If the current customer context is unknown, the usePlanship function can retrieve a Planship API client. It exposes the same functionality as the Planship customer API client provided by usePlanshipCustomer, but all customer operations (E.g. fetching entitlements and subscriptions) require a Planship customer ID as an argument.

Below is an example Nuxt setup script that retrieves a list of Planship plans using Nuxt's useAsyncData.

<script setup>
  import { usePlanship } from '@planship/nuxt'

  const { planshipApiClient } = usePlanship()

  const { data: plans } = await useAsyncData('plans', async () => {
    return await planshipApiClient.listPlans()

Server services

Since usePlanshipCustomer and usePlanship composables use the Vue provide/inject mechanism, they can be used in application components only. To simplify consuming Planship data outside of component code (E.g. server routes), the @planship/nuxt module provides the useServerApiClient server service available within the #planship/server alias.

Below is the example of a Nuxt API endpoint that reports metered usage to the Planship API using a Planship API client retrieved via the useServerApiClient server service function.

import { useServerApiClient } from '#planship/server'

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  const planship = useServerApiClient()
  const body = await readBody(event)

  // Report usage for api-call metering ID to Planship
  return planship.reportUsage(body.userId, 'api-call', body.count)