Nuxt3 中文课程《实战全栈开发简书》限时优惠

Digital Ocean

Deploy your Nuxt Application to Digital Ocean infrastructure.

Nuxt supports deploying on the Digital Ocean App Platform with minimal configuration.


  1. Create a new Digital Ocean app following the guide.
  2. Next, you'll need to configure environment variables. In your app settings, ensure the following app-level environment variables:
  3. You will need to ensure you set an engines.node field in your app's package.json to ensure Digital Ocean uses a supported version of Node.js:
      "engines": {
          "node": "20.x"
  4. You'll also need to add a run command so Digital Ocean knows what command to run after a build. You can do so by adding a start script to your package.json:
      "scripts": {
          "start": "node .output/server/index.mjs"
  5. Finally, you'll need to add this start script to your Digital Ocean app's run command. Go to Components > Settings > Commands, click "Edit", then add npm run start
Your Nuxt app should be live at a Digital Ocean generated URL and you can now follow the rest of the Digital Ocean deployment guide.

Learn more

Head over Nitro documentation to learn more about the digitalocean deployment preset.